RE Project

In alignment with Pakistan’s vision for harnessing its abundant renewable energy resources, the Renewable Project stands as a testament to the nation’s commitment to clean, sustainable, and environmentally friendly power generation. This initiative emerges as a response to the Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy (ARE Policy 2020), a forward-looking policy framework aimed at ensuring a reliable, self-sufficient power supply while mitigating environmental impacts, particularly in underdeveloped regions.

The heart of the Renewable Project lies in its ambitious plan to develop a cutting-edge Solar and Wind Hybrid Power Project in Jhimpir, Sindh, Pakistan. This groundbreaking endeavor encompasses an 800 MW PV Solar Farm, and a 500 MW Wind Farm. Nestled approximately 30 kilometers from Karachi city, this location places us at the core of Pakistan’s energy landscape.

Upon completion, the Renewable Project will not only mark a significant milestone in southern Pakistan but also serve as an example of sustainable, renewable, and eco-conscious energy generation. The project aims to provide the people of Pakistan with access to more affordable energy, promoting economic growth while reducing environmental impact.


A collaborative development agreement was signed with State Grid Corporation of China in Marcg 2023, for the development of this project. This collaboration encompasses the execution of feasibility studies and potential financial support for project development. 

The Renewable Project’s location, rich in solar and wind energy resources and featuring a flat, obstruction-free landscape, is poised to lead Pakistan’s transition towards a sustainable energy future. With a focus on renewable energy, this initiative embodies the nation’s commitment to a brighter, cleaner, and more prosperous tomorrow.